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Edit data pipeline configuration

  1. On the Daspire dashboard, click a Connection in the list you want to change.

  2. Click Configurations.

The Transfer and Streams settings include the following parameters:

Replication FrequencyHow often the data syncs
Destination NamespaceWhere the replicated data is written
Destination Stream PrefixHelps you identify streams from different connectors

NOTE: These parameters apply to all streams in the connection.

  1. In the Activate the streams you want to sync section, you can make changes to any stream you choose.

To search for a stream

  1. Click the Search stream name search box.

  2. Type the name of the stream you want to find.

  3. Streams matching your search are displayed in the list.

To change individual stream configuration

  1. In the Sync column of the stream, toggle the sync on or off.

  2. Click the dropdown arrow in the Sync mode column and select the sync mode you want to apply.

    NOTE: Depending on the sync mode you select, you may need to choose a cursor or primary key.

  3. If there is a dropdown arrow in the Cursor or Primary key fields, click the dropdown arrow and choose the cursor or primary key.

To change multiple stream configurations

  1. Click the first checkbox in the table header to select all streams in the connection.

  2. Deselect the checkboxes of streams you do not want to apply these changes to.

  3. In the highlighted header of the table, toggle the sync on or off.

  4. Click the dropdown arrow in the Sync mode column and select the sync mode you want to apply to these streams.

  5. If there is a dropdown arrow in the Cursor or Primary key fields of the highlighted table header, click the dropdown arrow and choose the cursor or primary key.

  6. Click Apply to apply these changes to the streams you selected, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

To save the changes

  1. Click Save changes , or click Cancel to discard the changes.

  2. The Stream configuration changed dialog displays. This gives you the option to reset streams when you save the changes.

    CAUTION: Daspire recommends that you reset the streams. A reset will delete data in the destination of the affected streams and then re-sync that data. Skipping the reset is discouraged and might lead to unexpected behavior.

  3. Click Save connection , or click Cancel to close the dialog.

To refresh the source schema

  1. Click Refresh source schema to fetch the schema of your data source.

  2. If there are changes to the schema, the Refreshed source schema dialog displays them.