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Sync Log

View the sync log summary

The sync log summary shows if a sync succeeded, failed, cancelled, or is currently running.

To view the sync log summary:

  1. On the Daspire sidebar navigation, click Dashboard.
  2. The Connections page displays.
  3. Click a connection in the list to view its sync history.
  4. Under Sync History, a list of syncs for that connection is displayed.
  5. The sync status is displayed (Succeeded, Cancelled, Failed, or Running) along with the summary of the sync log.
  6. For more information about a sync, click the sync log dropdown.

Sync log summary


The log summary for a successful sync shows the following data.

x GB (also measured in KB, MB)Amount of data moved during the sync. If basic normalization is on, the amount of data would not change since normalization occurs in the destination.
x emitted recordsNumber of records read from the source during the sync.
x committed recordsNumber of records the destination confirmed it received.
xh xm xsTotal time (hours, minutes, seconds) for the sync and basic normalization, if enabled, to complete.
Sync or ResetThe action that was performed (either a sync or a reset).

NOTE: In a successful sync, the number of emitted records and committed records should be the same.


The log summary for a cancelled sync may show the following data.

NaN BytesSince the sync was cancelled, the log does not show how much data was moved before cancelling.
No recordsSince the sync was cancelled, the log does not show emitted or committed records.
xh xm xsTotal time (hours, minutes, seconds) between the beginning of sync and when it was cancelled.
Sync or ResetThe action that was performed (either a sync or a reset).
Failure OriginThe cause of the sync cancellation.

NOTE: Daspire will try to sync your data three times. After a third failure, it will stop attempting to sync.


The log summary for a failed sync may show the following data.

NaN BytesSince the sync failed, the amount of data is zero.
No recordsSince the sync failed, there are no emitted or committed records.
xh xm xsTotal time (hours, minutes, seconds) between the beginning of the sync and when it failed.
Sync or ResetThe action that was performed (either a sync or a reset).
Failure OriginThe cause of the sync failure.


The sync log summary displays Running when the sync is actively running.